
The Washington Psychiatric Society (WPS) is a professional association in the metropolitan Washington region and a district branch of the American Psychiatric Association (APA). For more than a decade, we’ve helped to support psychiatry and promote the quality of mental health care. We work with members to ensure that public policy makers understand our industry and the important part it plays in the country’s economy. We've made many achievements and accomplishments in the organization. Although we have come a long way, we are recognized as a strong advocate for our industry but there is still a lot more work to be done.
Member Benefits
Educational Opportunities - WPS offers high quality, affordable CME events throughout the year
Professional Networking - Connecting with peers is important and you have the chance to meet with colleagues through chapter meetings and programs as well as WPS events
Advocacy - WPS works with APA to provide strong legislative and public policy advocacy
Resource Center - The online resource center is available 24/7 on a wide range of topics as well as the events calendar
WPS e-News - A monthly online publication containing news, information, links to classified ads, our sponsors and mu more
Online Membership Directory
Communication - Communication channels are open and work both ways through our Member Listserv
Leadership - Get engaged in organized psychiatry by volunteering for a WPS committee or even consider serving on the board of directors
Member Services - We provide quality member support with a timely response to all inquiries
Career, Leadership, Mentorship Program
Member Categories
General Member - (including Early Career Psychiatrists) - Physicians who have completed an acceptable program of training in psychiatry, and hold either a valid license to practice medicine or hold an academic, research, or governmental position that does not require licensure. General Members may apply for Fellowship or be nominated for Distinguished Fellowship provided they meet the eligibility requirements.
Resident and Fellow Member - Physicians who have been accepted into a psychiatric residency training program that is approved by the ACGME, RCPS(C), or AOA and remain enrolled therein.
Medical Student- Medical students enrolled in a school of medicine, in the U.S. or abroad, including osteopathic medicine are eligible to join the APA as a Medical Student Member.
International Member - Physicians who live outside the United States and Canada and who meet the criteria established for General Members. Applicants for this membership must be licensed physicians who have completed an acceptable program in training in psychiatry.
Affiliate Member - Want to be a member of WPS, but don't live in our area? Join as an Affiliate Member!
In order to be a member of the WPS, concurrent membership in the APA is required.
We invite you to join us. When you do, you will enjoy the combined benefits of both organizations and become a member of the largest psychiatric organization in the world with enormous professional development and networking opportunities.
Join or Renew